About the consultation

We are seeking feedback on the department’s proposed issuance of non-detriment findings for CITES-listed Holothuria sea cucumber species harvested in the Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery, Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery (East Coast), and the Torres Strait Beche-de-mer Fishery. Comment is also sought on the department’s proposal to declare eligible fisheries Wildlife Trade Operations under Part 13A (section 303FN) of the EPBC Act, for the purposes of exporting Holothuria sea cucumbers.


At the 18th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) parties adopted a proposal to include three species of the subgenus Holothuria (Microthele), including black teatfish (Holothuria whitmaei) and white teatfish (H. fuscogilva) in CITES Appendix II. The listings took effect from 28 August 2020.

In the case of an Appendix II listing, a species may not be threatened with extinction; however international trade needs to be regulated to ensure it is not detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild. The CITES Appendix II listing requires exporters or importers of product derived from the listed species to obtain a CITES permit.

Prior to approving a commercial export permit CITES requires that where the export of an Appendix II listed species is proposed, the relevant Government agency from the country of export must determine the activity will not be detrimental to, or contribute to trade which is detrimental to, the survival of the species. This is known as a ‘non-detriment finding’ which is implemented domestically through the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Independent scientific advice to inform the non-detriment findings for CITES-listed Holothuria sea cucumber species

To support the development of non-detriment findings for CITES-listed Holothuria sea cucumber species, the department commissioned sea cucumber scientist, Mr Tim Skewes, to provide independent expert advice. The information used to inform this advice was based on current and available information for each species and includes species’ range, population structure, stock status in Australian waters; an analysis of Australian commercial fisheries interacting with the listed species, including an assessment of existing management measures; and consideration of regional and global management measures, threats, stocks and harvests.

The advice includes a range of recommended actions to support non-detriment findings for both black teatfish and white teatfish.

Public comment is sought on the department’s consultation draft non-detriment finding report and the associated scientific advice. Comment is also being sought on the department’s proposal to declare eligible fisheries Wildlife Trade Operations under Part 13A (section 303FN) of the EPBC Act, for the purposes of exporting Holothuria sea cucumbers (black teatfish and white teatfish).

The scope of this proposal

  • only considers fisheries that currently harvest CITES-listed Holothuria species and have a valid export approval under Part 13A of the EPBC Act.

Consideration will be given to:

  • the outcomes of the expert advice for the assessment of Australian sea cucumber (Holothuria) fisheries: Coral Sea Fishery, Torres Strait Beche-de-mer Fishery, Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery (East Coast) and National report.

  • the revocation and remake of declarations for the affected fisheries, as managed consistent with the respective fisheries legislation and regulations, as an approved Wildlife Trade Operation under Part 13A (section 303FN) of the EPBC Act.

In accordance with the provisions of sections 303DC and 303FR of the EPBC Act, you are invited to comment on this proposal.

It is requested that any comments made be in a single submission that clearly articulates the relevant fisheries and species for which comments are being made.

Any comments received will form part of the documentation provided to the Australian Government Minister for the Environment and Water, or the minister’s delegate for a decision.

Send your comments?

The call for public comments is open from 20 September 2024 until 22 October 2024.

Comments can be sent by email or writing to:

Email: sustainablefisheries@dcceew.gov.au


The Director
Sustainable Fisheries Section
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
GPO BOX 3090
Canberra ACT 2601

Privacy and Confidentiality

Copies of comments may be made available to other persons with a particular interest in the application. If you wish your comments to remain confidential, please clearly mark the relevant part(s) of your comments as ‘confidential’.

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  • Consultation opens

    20 September 2024

  • Consultation closes

    22 October 2024


Email: sustainablefisheries@dcceew.gov.au


The Director
Sustainable Fisheries Section
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
GPO BOX 3090
Canberra ACT 2601