This consultation has closed. To view the most recent Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) consultation click the following link:


We are seeking your feedback to help inform the design and delivery of the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) tender for South Australia and Victoria.

The aim of the CIS is to encourage new investment in clean dispatchable capacity, support reliability, and reduce the risk of price shocks in Australia’s changing energy market. The CIS expects to bring at least $10 billion of new investment and 6 GW of clean dispatchable capacity by 2030. 

The Draft Term Sheet for the Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement (CISA) is supplementary to the CIS Consultation Paper which was open for industry consultation in August. As it was drafted in parallel to the industry consultation period, the Draft Term Sheet does not incorporate any policy or design changes resulting from feedback during the industry consultation. The Draft Term Sheet provides more detail on the specific terms that are expected to be included in the final CISA which will be executed between the Australian Government and proponents successful under the South Australian and Victorian tender.

Your feedback on the Draft Term Sheet will help us ensure the terms included in the CISA for the upcoming South Australia and Victoria tender are appropriate. Where any key terms, details or conditions in the Term Sheet may impact on your ability to participate in and comply with the terms of the CIS, please provide feedback.

We are specifically interested in receiving recommendations on how the terms could be amended to best align with the objectives of the CIS.  

The CISA Payment Mechanism – Worked Examples workbook provides worked examples of how the draft payment mechanism would function in a variety of revenue and performance scenarios. Please contact the Capacity Investment Scheme Team if you need an accessible version.

To have your say:

  • read the Draft Term Sheet

  • review the CISA Payment Mechanism – Worked Examples workbook

  • provide feedback by completing the survey.

Submit your feedback by 10 October 2023.

If you would like to discuss any issues in the Draft Term Sheet, please email


  • Draft Term Sheet released for consultation

    12 September 2023

  • Draft Term Sheet consultation closed

    10 October 2023

Capacity Investment Scheme Team