This consultation has closed. Learn more about the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS).
Submissions to the Western Australia Design Consultation Paper
View submissions to the Western Australia Design Paper consultation.
Following our consultation on the design of the expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS)-national rollout in March 2024, we seek your feedback on designing the CIS specific to the Western Australia Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM).
The WEM is separate to the National Electricity Market (NEM) and operates with a unique Reserve Capacity Mechanism (RCM). To ensure an effective national rollout of the CIS, the scheme design for WA will work with the unique features of the WEM.
The CIS provides a national framework to encourage new investment in renewable capacity, such as wind and solar, as well as clean dispatchable capacity, such as battery storage. It aims to help build a more reliable, affordable, and low-emissions energy system for all Australians.
The CIS will bring jobs and investment to regional communities, strengthen industries that create our sustainable future and support First Nations people preserve their unique culture and heritage and remain on Country.
Through competitive tenders, the Australian Government seeks bids for renewable capacity and clean dispatchable capacity projects to:
- deliver an additional 32 GW of capacity by 2030
- fill expected reliability gaps as ageing coal power stations exit
- deliver the Australian Government’s 82% renewable electricity by 2030 target.
To have your say:
- read the draft Western Australia Design Paper, CIS
- detail your feedback in your organisation, group or individual submission
- Submit your feedback through the Have Your Say platform by 11:59am (AEST), Monday, 6 May 2024
Feedback received through the consultation will be used to inform the design and implementation of the CIS in the WEM, including the Term Sheets, Tender Guidelines, and draft contracts.