Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance

Name or organisation name

Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance

Submission response


Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on matters raised in the terms of reference of the strategic review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Scheme.

Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance (AQIA) is a not-for profit organisation that provides assistance and services to the fitness, sport and recreation industry in Queensland on behalf of the sector’s peak bodies – AUSactive, QSport and Outdoors Queensland. AQIA is also funded by the Queensland Government as the Industry Skills Advisor for the fitness, sport, recreation and racing industry in Queensland.

Our vision is that the Active Industry operates at maximum effectiveness by having a sustainable and skilled paid and volunteer workforce throughout Queensland. AQIA works with all stakeholders including Governments to ensure the Active Industry is supported, informed, and adequately funded to have enough trained and qualified paid and volunteer workforce. AQIA is the advocate for the industry when it comes to workforce planning and development.

Below are some general comments on the current Apprentice Incentives System:

Needs to assist micro and small businesses take on more trainees, rather than solely focus on priority industries.
(Wages) Cost is a key barrier to small businesses taking on trainees – particularly in current environment as well as time to dedicate resources to train the trainee.
Fitness, sport and recreation industry is not considered a priority industry – apart from swim teachers – so currently ineligible for incentives but would benefit from access to an incentive scheme.
Ineligibility of payment includes casual, contract and seasonal employment – this is the nature of the outdoor recreation and aquatic sectors – similarly the reason why these sectors could not access JobKeeper during COVID. And so many workers left the industry and did not return. This is the same reason why employers do not engage in traineeships.
Occupations listed on the Priority List are based on the current ANZSCO classifications – there are many more occupations in the fitness, sport and recreation industry that are in shortage but not eligible due to their not being eligible/listed on the Priority List.
The Priority List should be a flexible process open to being updated when identified.
System can be complex for employers/small businesses to understand. Employers are unaware/confused about who is responsible for the various aspects of the traineeship system, including support and assistance which impedes take up and decision making by the employer.
Lack of awareness and knowledge about what incentives are available.
Maybe incentive scheme could include volunteers where the person is undertaking accredited training as part of the volunteer role or doing a minimum number of volunteering hours. This would ensure a skilled and qualified volunteer base which is important in the lead up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics and Paralympic events.

Please let me know if there are any questions on the above.


Jo Chiu

Industry Development Manager